Keiteleentie 862, 86800 Pyhäsalmi, Pyhäjärvi
Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot
PehuTec is a fast growing software service provider and software creation house for telecommunications, wireless systems, various embedded systems and medical device markets. Our motivated and highly experienced specialists are very competitive in our field of expertise. The company is executing organic growth and is employing a vast range of recognized experts of their respective fields. Toimipisteet PeHuTec Oulu Elektroniikkatie 10 90590 Oulu, Finland PehuTec Ylivieska Vierimaantie 5 84100 Ylivieska, Finland PehuTec Espoo Tekniikantie 14 02150 Espoo, Finland
PehuTec Oy
Päätoimiala: Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot
Keiteleentie 862, 86800 Pyhäsalmi, Pyhäjärvi
Y-tunnus: 1018819-0
Puhelin: 040 728 7177